Opposition Proposes Mandatory Height Limits for Planning Ministers

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Opposition planning spokesman Matthew Guy has argued for the immediate introduction of a 200cm height limit for planning ministers in response to resident concerns about “out of control” ministerial heights.

“Residents don’t want towering planning ministers dominating their neighbourhoods,” said Mr Guy, alluding to recent allegations of excessively tall ministers encroaching into areas of Brimbank. He denied, however, that he was making the call out of self interest. “This isn’t about me. It’s all about giving residents certainty. Specifically, certainty that Justin Madden cannot be their planning minister.”

The stance has set Mr Guy at odds with sectors of the development industry, however. The UDIA has slammed the proposal, saying that they valued the flexibility for development afforded under the current ministerial heights.

For the opposition, however, it is a question of Ministerial integrity. “This raises important issues of probity. You only have to look at the Minister to know he’s hopelessly conflicted on the topic of vertical living.”

Originally published in the “Clause 101” column of Planning News 35, no. 6 (July 2009): 30.